Thursday, October 26, 2006

Halloween Week

So I am pretty much a pain this week. I realized that I have been an ass to a few of my friends [although some for some pretty good reasons] and to my family. I can't really help it. I am stressing out with a lot of things lately. My dad is going to get his lymph node in his neck checked out today, since it has been swollen for over a month. It could be anything from cancer to a long cold. I don't know and it is worrying me. He also is on "a break" with his girlfriend, so has been really down lately. I am just on a short fuse, which is unlike me...that is how I know something is up.

I am going to stay with him this weekend and I have no idea what to expect.

On a lighter note, my Dad got tickets to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra on December 26th. Two months from now. I am really excited. I am also going to see the Chiefs\Seahawks game with him this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey babe... i hope you have fun with your dad today. i better see you tonight or else... lol. i love you hunni