Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Gas Prices are giving me ulcers

Saudi Arabia loses a great leader and they mourn by lowering their flag, shedding tears...and increasing gas prices. As if gas prices were not bad enough, [$2.75 for regular 8/29/05, $2.95 8/30/05] trivial things like bomb threats, oil rig strikes, and even presidential speeches raise the prices. This is becoming too expensive for me. I work 2 hours a day and go to school 7 hours a day. I don't have time to work later to pay to get to my destinations, nor do I have the time to ride a bike to class and work. Citizens of America and many European countries don't realize that oil takes a 6 month process to become gasoline. This means that we are paying for gas that was made 6 month previously, gas that costed $1.80 6 months ago. This is proof that oil lords are selfish and that paying for gas that was cheaper when it was bought in oil form 6 months ago is occuring world-wide. Does that make you think? Good. I hope my readers realize that the crisis is only going to get worse. 12 oil rigs in the gulf were shut down and evacuated because of Hurricane Katrina and 25% of the US's oil has been cut temperarily. Think outside the box. If oil costs 65-70 dollars a barrel today, what will gas prices be in 6 months? $4.00? $5.00? Time will tell. Until then, invest heavily in E85, natural gas, and Hydrogen, because a drastic change in transportation technology is occuring and technological studies that would take decades are going to be finished in a matter of years. Do I believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel? Of course. Cars that get 250 miles per gallon [3.79 liters] are being developed as we speak, as well as hydrogen motorcycles that get 100 miles per hydrogen charge. Do I think that oil companies will get involved in the technology they have patented? No way. The big pigs are going to milk this until the peak oil crisis is in history books. Oil companies patenting alternative fuel devices? No way! That is what some of you are thinking, but really, it is a fact. Oil companies are buying out patents for devices that could help the environment and fuel America without oil to stop competition. Companies like BP [British Petroleum] say to the public that they own the largest Hydrogen supply in the world and are working to create hydrogen powered transportation, but they don't state how they plan on distributing the hydrogen supply, nor how quickly they are developing these so-called Hydrogen transportation devices. Bottom line is that the situation is getting to the point of no return, in which we must act now, or get into a hole that we ironically, need oil to get out of.

Sure you say you care...but is there actually hydrogen in that tank?

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