Walking through the mall before I see a movie, I spot a teen who is probably 16 or 17. Normally, I would not have taken notice of a boy in the mall, but he has some special features. Sharpie-painted tears and lines are all over the left side of his face. He is wearing dark clothes and I take care to notice the band title on his shirt, which is noted as being quite sappy. I suddenly want to hurt this kid. I want to shove some sense into him. Why? Because...
...these people annoy me. I'll admit it, I am cynical torwards these kids in thick glasses who wear black and ties on T-shirts, but why? In a psychology class, my hate towards this crude social class would be a psychodynamic thought process, which stems from what I think of myself in my own social class. I think this is wrong. I dislike these people because of the impact they have on my day. They are depressing people, for one. I am a cheery person, and seeing a person not enjoy life is sickening. The thought that they are so sad that they have resulted to self-mutilation is not an image I want in my mind. Next, they are WHORES! They are public about their feelings and it is sickening! In this day and age, saying something you believe in is a novel thing. But, showing what you believe in is anything but original. You are a mopey youth, I get it. You hate your parents for some reason that in 5 years from now, you will laugh at. So what. You can't talk to these people! Bringing up any subject that the mentally "oppressed" youth is not into is certain conversational death, as they only wish to talk about themselves. And the last thing I want is more depressing converstations. Jesus, as if the clothes and cut scars weren't enough to make me want to beat some sense into you.
There are three reasons that these people are the emotional punks they are. The first reason is hardly legit, and that is public persuasion. The person feels that to blend into this "emo" society, they must dress alike and act alike. Yes, there are posers that behave in this fasion and it is quite pathetic, considering that there are 101 other things to copy and the "emo" state of mind is to not conform, so they are somewhat hypocritical.
Next, you have the "must not conform" type of emotional punk. These are in schools with a large population of wealthy people with nice clothes and large positive social groups, like pep clubs and student councils. They feel that conforming would change "what makes them Them", even though that the things that make a person who they are are hardly cosmetic, so they become a seperate class, and stoop to the low that is "emo".
Finally are the "mentally anguished" types of emotional punks. In their minds, nothing in life is good. These are the most extreme emotional punks. They cut, tattoo, and get facial jewelery. They feel that they have the right to do these things to themselves, because they have had "bad experiences". Whether or not these "Bad experiences" are worthy of true "emotism", sinking into that state of mind is inhumane. My only advice to these type is to suck is up, because life is too short, and girls don't like emo kids. They just don't. Girls are the people who can't stop talking about themselves. Mix emo in there and all you get is a clusterfuck of, "No, you listen!"'s and "Let me talk!"'s
The bottom line is that society does not need these people. You can only hide behind a mask so long before you become the mask. Quit the fad before the fad becomes you and you honestly do "lose you originality"...and sanity. FUCK! And my sanity!
Friday, August 26, 2005
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