Saturday, July 22, 2006

Androids dream of robotic sheep

Rather than discuss anything, I would like to state my state, so to speak.

I remember posting a year ago about how I was losing a lot of sleep. Well, I pull a good all nighter, followed by a gym workout, so I think I win for craziest sonbitch in the neighborhood.

No way I am working today. Screw Town Village. We have a meeting tomorrow. Tomorrow. Sunday. The day I am just ITCHING to get out of all the time. If I don't get off before 2:00, I am flipping out. The meeting is from 2:30-4:00.

Kill me, I'm here!

And I am 5'10 and a half! I grew half an inch this Summer!

There must be something in the water besides flouride. Damn, that flouride is tasty.

Also, I have 17,172 songs on my PC. 64 days of music. Basically, I have enough music to fill a 250 gig hard drive, which is quite impressive. I am a download demon.

Listening to: How Soon is Now by The Smiths

Basically, Morrissey is the Pope of Mope and you need to listen to more 80s Brit pop! WE ALL DO.

Thank you


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